Saturday, April 2, 2011

First Post

Hi everyone!

My name is Grace, and I am a photojournalist for National Geographic.  I have gone on a lot of adventures throughout the world, and this time I have been assigned to go to a couple different places. These places will be on or very close to the boundary between two tectonic plates. I will study the different boundary types--divergent, convergent, and transform--and the effects they have on the earth. They produce things like earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes, trenches, and islands. It's quite cool if you ask me!

Here is a picture of the boundary lines:

I have decided to blog about my travels because I feel that I am really lucky to be able to see all these different places, and I want to share my experiences with you! It will be an interesting experience and I hope to learn a lot from it.
I will blog from my first place when I arrive there!


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